Sacred & Transformational Art

Spirit Eye Gallery is a portal sharing divine frequencies through a variety of artistic mediums. Inspired by three Santa Fe artists, it opens channels of sacred connection for all.

Please explore and enjoy!

This art shares new portals of light that are opening in the collective hologram of earth. WOW!”

For The Collector

Enjoy artwork that embodies Divinity, uplifts your spirit and expands your awareness.

For The Artist

Share your spirit-filled voice with a wide audience. Submit our Artist Application Form.

Your Soul

Your Awareness

Your Higher Self

To The Divine


A painting from a Spirit Eye artist has transformed my living room into a sacred space — an oasis where I can experience the extraordinary.”

For The Community

Spirit Eye Gallery is planning to open a physical gallery in Santa Fe in the near future. In addition to providing a local venue for spiritual art, it will be a community sanctuary for sacred events, including workshops, presentations and discussion.

Spirit Eye Gallery Newsletter

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